Why does riding a bike help with the environment

Newsletters Magazine Podcast. Routes Maps App Updates U. Bicycle Route System. Gear Maps Apparel Specials. Join Give Get Involved. The designation of bicycle routes helps: Decrease CO2 and Fuel Usage by Increasing Cycling Increasing pedestrian and bicycling trips, with a corresponding decrease in automobile trip lengths, by as little as 1 to 3 miles on average, can have a significant effect on both emissions and fuel consumption.

Achieve Cost Savings Through Energy Conservation and Pollution Reduction The consumption of natural resources imposes a broad but often invisible cost on society. These are just some of the reasons you should incorporate cycling into your normal habits and routines.

So, grab your bike and go see the world. For more information on the benefits of cycling and why you should hop on your bike more often, please check out the Benefits of Cycling That Will Make You Love It More.

Very well put list, thanks for doing so! As someone who is trying to put in more cycle commutes, this inspires me even more. Thanks again, and power to the pedal! I just spent a few days in the Netherlands and once again it brings home how much sense cycling is compared to motorised forms of commuting. I have some time and want to actively promote a push for more bicycle commuting in Europe especially in France where I live and in Ireland where I am from. I came upon your article and hope u are ok in me using parts of it in my communication.

Thank you. As my friend says — In Netherlands mother delivers baby already with bicycle. Never seen any other country that could be more professional on bicycle. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. October 8, November 23, by Tara 4 Comments. Gabriel Corcoran. Most hybrids require large batteries such as nickel metal hydride batteries which are known carcinogens, and have been shown to cause a variety of teratogenic effects.

Also, nickel mining is often done in open cast mines with all the attendant pollution that goes along with excavating large holes in the ground. Hybrids do use some gas to run, while bikes require none.

When you rely on a car for transportation, you are more likely to go further for errands and not rely on completely carbon free forms of transportation such as walking and bicycling.

You support your local businesses when you get there by bike or walking. A healthy ecosystem is responsible for the quality and variety of our food, as well as the quality of our air and water. Climate change is greatly affecting the amount of biodiversity we have on earth.

As the temperature gets warmer and the weather gets more unpredictable, fewer plant and animal species can survive. Switching to walking or cycling for more of our shorter journeys helps to protect biodiversity.

It creates less noise , less air pollution, and results in fewer emissions that are warming the atmosphere. We can help to protect our green spaces by showing its importance to communities, and to plant and wildlife.

This will lower the risks of these spaces be ing used for new roads and motorised transport links. Noise pollution is unwanted or disturbing sounds that affect the health and wellbei ng of humans and animals. Studies show that noise pollution affects the ability of local wildlife to survive. And these changes have a knock-on effect on our whole environment. When certain birds leave a certain forest, that forest may start to decline. This is linked to b iodiversity and shows the complex, natural systems our environment requires.

Walking or cycling helps to reduce the number of motor vehicles using the roads , lowering congestion and the noise that comes from engines. L ess noise from vehicles and idle traffic helps local wildlife to stay and thrive. The increase in uptake helps build momentum and demand for better access to safe, traffic-free environments. Choosing more active ways to travel like walking and cycling has important benefits for us as individuals.

Staying active is good for our physical health.


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